This road, incidentally, is part of a larger project to create the longest torch relay in Olympic history
'If Modi arrived like a juggernaut, he left like a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces were being dismantled bit by bit. It was as if India had seceded quietly from him.' Shiv Viswanathan's social science fiction about what India would be like in 2020.
Indicorps Fellow Himabindu Reddy shares her experience of working in India on the Indicorps public service fellowship.
The squabbles we are seeing today over the election of the next President will be nothing compared to the all-out war ignited by a fragmented verdict after the 2014 General Election, says TVR Shenoy.
MS Access is an easy way to store and manage not just office usage data, but also data like the contact numbers of your friends and relatives.
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday trimmed US interest rates a quarter percentage point to 45-year lows, citing recent hopeful economic signs as it offered a less potent growth tonic than markets had hoped.\n\n\n\n
The SEC is talking tough about changing how these agencies work. But we have a few suggestions of our own for how to make ratings firms credible again.
Behind nearly every major shift in IT policy in India, there was an intelligent -- and enterprisingly agile -- bureaucrat.
Mark Hutchinson explains ways of dealing with the nose-diving dollar and making profitable investments.
What is a non-banking financial company (NBFC)? How does it differ from a bank? Get the answers to these and many more questions on NBFCs.
Ajit Balakrishnan, chairman of the board of governors, IIM-Calcutta, and CEO,, gave the Convocation Speech at the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta on April 1, 2007. The speech is reproduced here.
Keen to avoid devoting previous resources to fire-fighting situations, your suggestions are sought for a long term solution to the problem, without incurring disproportionate additional cost
'Transparency only improves all organisations and the horrendous corruption in our arms deals from guns to missiles to coffins is extremely well known. Would you like them to remain secrets?'